The enforcement of Public Safety Indoor Radio Coverage is popping up all over the nation and as a result many of our new clients are asking for help understanding the regulations and what is involved with correcting problems should their building fail. I put together a document, which I give to just about everyone that calls. It provides a listing of all the pertinent sections of NFPA 72 – 2013.
I can’t copy the NFPA but you can access a Free online copy at
The requirements and the type of Public Safety Radio System is a variable from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Even the frequency bands used within a jurisdiction are all over the map and, of course, the odds are, it’s going to be different in the neighboring jurisdiction. Digital P25 technology may improve inter-operable communications between agencies, but it does very little to change the wide range of frequencies the building owner must address in his system design. The national Broadband Network (FirstNet) is also looming around the corner and will naturally be added to local requirements as it becomes available. If you don’t have a 700/800MHz digital signal booster, you probably are going to fork out some more money in the future.
System flexibility and the ability of the cable path to accommodate changes are paramount to long term savings. Best Practices include:
- Utilize a professional to get things started.
- Have good specifications to ensure you are getting products and services that meet regulations and local requirements.
- Ensure quality and code compliance through 3rd Party inspection and testing.
- Plan long term resources and life cycle costs.
RFSignalman provides several template specifications to assist our clients with these objectives and our web-site is a good source of information. If you don’t find it…….ask.
RFSignalman – “testing to save lives” – it is our focus.
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