Video – will my building fail testing? The physical and electrical obstacles between your building and the closest Radio Site is a huge variable – there is no way to be certain of the performance within a specific building without making measurements.
Practically speaking, however, the majority of buildings should pass. Public Safety Radio Systems usually consist of a limited number of Radio Sites covering a large geographic area. These systems are designed to be extremely reliable and to provide good street level coverage in the range of -60 to -90dBm within the jurisdiction. Typical building losses range from 11dB for small stuco buildings to 30dB+ for large concrete buildings. With this in mind, you can anticipate that a large number of buildings will meet the minimum signal level of -95dBm and pass compliance testing.
Large buildings, heavy concrete structures, underground structures and high rise buildings may have indoor coverage issues. The reflective and low-E glass used in new construction is not very radio friendly and significantly reduces the Radio Signal inside the building (just like the heat). The outside signal levels, the type of construction and the actual contents of the building are all factors affecting indoor coverage. Annual testing and spot testing, when changes are made to the building, is the recommended approach to ensure compliance with Fire Codes.
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